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Integrating into Your Business’s SEO Strategy


Article Summary

Ever wondered how to improve your website's SEO strategy? might just be the answer you've been looking for. It's a platform that connects businesses with service providers, and it can do wonders for your online presence.

In my latest blog post, I get into what is all about and how it works. Plus, I'll show you how integrating into your SEO strategy can bring you seven awesome benefits. Curious to learn more?

Read the full blog below and discover the power of for yourself!

A digital marketing concept showcasing the integration of into a business's seo strategy, with graphics of a smartphone displaying the website, a laptop, and seo-related icons.

For service-based businesses, especially those in their early stages, lead generation poses a significant challenge. A steady flow of leads is important for stability, enabling you to focus on growth. One of the best ways to do this is by letting interested customers find you instead of you having to look for them.

Here, combining SEO and B2B marketplaces like can provide a solution.

Integrating Clutch into your SEO strategy can improve its effectiveness and help in achieving your lead generation goals. Below, I've provided a detailed breakdown of Clutch and its integration into an SEO strategy. So, without further ado, let's get started.

What is is a B2B market research platform that help businesses in finding the best service providers for their needs.

A composite image displaying the clutch using two graphs merging one with buyer and one with service provider

Companies listed on clutch offers development, IT services, marketing, design, and business services. Customers can search, find, and decide on a best service provider among 280,000 of companies listed on clutch.

How Does Work?

Clutch acts as an intermediary between two businesses: one seeking services and the other offering them. Clutch collects reviews, ratings, and other relevant data to help businesses make informed decisions.

Clutch website homepage gif

They have their own research methodology called the Leaders Matrix. It is an interactive graph generated based on factors like market presence, clients, and experience. To be listed closer to the top of the leader matrix, make sure your company profile is fully optimized. Leader Matrix Example

For Example: below is the leader matrix graph for Top Ahmedabad IT Consulting Companies.

gif Example of Clutch's Leader Matrix Chart for "Top Ahmedabad IT Consulting Companies"
Clutch Leader Matrix example for "Top Ahmedabad IT Consulting Companies"

As you can see in the graph, companies are positioned across four quadrants:

  1. Market Leaders (top right): Specialized with exceptional results, extensive experience, and industry recognition.
  2. Proven Leaders (top left): Deliver quality services with notable client feedback and growing market presence.
  3. Niche Leaders (bottom right): Specialize in specific areas, excel in tailored solutions, and have positive client references.
  4. Emerging Leaders (bottom left): Show promising potential with innovative approaches and a growing reputation.

To start, Get Listed on Clutch. They offer three profile tiers: Clutch Basic, Clutch+, and Sponsor.

I suggest opting for the Basic option as it's entirely free and ideal for new companies.

Comparison of three service tiers for client reviews and online visibility offered by a clutch co company, detailing features and monthly pricing for each level.
Clutch profile tiers: Clutch Basic, Clutch+, and Sponsor.

Include core services, client reviews, and case studies. Once reviews are added, Clutch will conduct thorough interviews with clients via online forms or phone calls to ensure their authenticity.

Establishing a Relation Between and SEO

As mentioned earlier, the primary goal here is to generate Inbound leads. Achieving this necessitates visibility to your target audience. Common activities for this include content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and social media marketing.

Google stands out as the world's largest traffic referrer, comprising 63.41% as of January 2024. Hence, it's crucial for every business to have visibility on Google, making SEO the most critical activity.

a pie chart showing web's largest traffic referrers with different colored highlighted and percentage mentioned
Image Source: Research Article by Datos & SparkToro on Web Traffic Share

Having been in the SEO space for the past two years, I've predominantly worked with IT service providers. 

After the AI revolution, SEO is becoming increasingly complex. Content has become cheap and repetitive, lacking originality, helpfulness, and quality. This makes it challenging for businesses to rank on Google. 

Clients often express their desire for rankings on specific keywords. Some keywords require extensive work, and realistically, the resources may not be available. Important keywords often face competition from websites with greater authority and backlink profiles. Therefore, relying solely on SEO can be time-consuming and costly for a new website.


Let us understand this with an example. "Best SEO company in Ahmedabad" is a commercial keyword with a monthly search volume of 110, according to SEMrush. It could be one of the most crucial keywords for companies based in or offering SEO services in Ahmedabad. When checking this keyword on Google, the top results typically include:

  • Local Pack
  • Clutch Listing for "Best SEO company in Ahmedabad"
  • Other websites with high Domain Rating and Backlinks

For many commercial and transactional keywords, this pattern is same. Do you believe it will be easy to outrank them? I don’t think so. Marketplaces more easily outrank individual sites.

According to SEMrush, Clutch has an estimated 1.2 million-plus traffic worldwide and ranks for over 700,000 keywords on Google. A significant portion of these keywords are commercial and transactional, with over 375,000 ranking in the USA alone. That's a substantial number.

So, why not leverage Clutch and optimize our profile there as well? 

7 Benefits of Integrating Into SEO Strategy

By integrating into your SEO strategy, you can unlock a host of benefits that contribute to improved search engine rankings, increased website traffic, and enhanced online reputation.

benefits of clutch seo mentioned with clutch logo and screenshot of clutch site
Benefits of Integrating Into SEO Strategy

1. Enhanced Credibility and Trust:

Getting featured on increases the credibility of your company. It can serve as third-party validation for your company's expertise and quality of service. This factor can help in two ways. 

  1. Influencing Search Engine Rankings
  2. User Perception

Using's top companies badge and showcasing positive client reviews on your website boosts confidence in potential customers. It enhances your credibility and trustworthiness, which are crucial factors for better SEO performance.

2. Increased Online Visibility: 

Creating a company profile on can greatly enhance your online visibility within your industry niche. is a respected platform that connects businesses with service providers. Listing your company on Clutch also ensures inclusion on its sister sites, The Manifest, Visual Objects and Top Design Firms

By adding reviews and portfolio, your presence expands automatically across these platforms. In result, you will acquire three more valuable backlinks. This strategy ultimately enhances your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Industry Recognition and Awards

Each month, Clutch awards the top-performing B2B companies in various industries and locations. Being recognized as a Clutch Leader can boost brand visibility, attract more inbound leads, and strengthen SEO authority through reputable industry acknowledgment.

Also, Clutch offers a free feature called Content Contribution. Here you can become a guest writer for one of their B2B websites. They only publish a selected number of blog posts per month. If your blog gets selected, you can be featured on one of their four sites: Clutch, The Manifest, Visual Objects, or Top Design Firms

This opportunity allows you to showcase your thought leadership and expertise. Participating as an expert source positions your company as an authority within your industry.

4. Positive User Engagement Signals

Adding review widgets from and displaying star ratings on your website is an effective strategy to improve SEO. These widgets not only offer social proof but also enhances user engagement.

For instance, companies like WebFX and Uplers utilize's review widget on their websites. They prominently feature it on their homepages and other key pages.

webfx landing page for "digital marketing service" with a blur background and focusing on clutch widget used by them.
Screenshot of WebFX website

Uplers is using it across all of their important pages along with TrustPilot and GoodFirms widgets. So when a prospect lands on the page, it can directly increase their trust.

uplers landing page for "Professional SEO Experts" with a blur background and focusing on clutch widget used by them.
Screenshot of Uplers website

Positive user interactions, such as longer dwell times (which means more engagement) and lower bounce rates, send positive signals to search engines. These signals contribute to improved SEO rankings.

5. Local SEO Boost: enables users to filter service providers by location, making it a valuable resource for local SEO optimization. By listing your company profile, you can enhance your visibility in local search results and attract clients in your area.

Reviews are the most important ranking factor in local search. Encourage clients to leave reviews on, especially those containing location-based keywords. Positive reviews with geo-specific terms can improve your local search rankings, increasing visibility to potential customers nearby. 

As mentioned earlier, by listing your company profile on and its sister websites, you can acquire valuable backlinks to your websites. Each of these backlinks is of high quality.

  • Clutch: 90 DR
  • The Manifest: 81 DR
  • Visual Objects: 75 DR
  • Top Design Firms: 75 DR

The higher the authority of a website linking to yours, the more valuable the link becomes. These backlinks signal to search engines the credibility and relevance of your website, resulting in improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

7. Targeted Audience Reach: attracts a highly targeted audience of decision-makers and professionals actively seeking services like yours. They are already in the decision making phase. By being listed, you can effectively reach and engage with potential clients who are specifically interested in your offerings.

Final Thoughts

We've covered what clutch is, how it works, its relation with SEO, and the benefits of using it. And the best part? It's all completely free. The trick is to use it effectively.

By putting these ideas into action, you can really boost your SEO. But remember, it's important to think about both the upsides and downsides. Changes in Google's algorithms, for instance, can affect how well this strategy works.

With a balanced perspective, you can optimize SEO efforts. This will maximize Clutch's impact on your online visibility and business success.

Only once you've hit a certain level of success would I suggest looking into their paid plans.

If you have any feedback or corrections, please feel free to comment. I'm open to discussion.

I have also published a LinkedIn carousel post on the same topic. Feel free to check it out.

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