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Building an SEO Career in India: The Ultimate Guide 2024


Article Summary

In this guide, we're going to explore SEO careers in India. We'll start with the basics of SEO and go all the way to advanced stuff and what's happening in the industry.

You'll find out why SEO matters a lot in India's digital world, see the different jobs you can do, and get tips on how to begin your own successful SEO career.

Illustration image of seo with text written SEO Career Guide for a blog SEO Career in india

In this guide, you're going to learn everything you need to know about starting an SEO career in India. If you’re a complete SEO beginner than this guide is most suitable for you.

Do you know what SEO is?

Before starting your SEO Career, It is crucial to ensure that you have a solid foundation in SEO basics.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

In simple terms, SEO involves optimizing a website or a piece of content you wish to rank for in SERP(Search Engine Result Page).

So, How do you rank in Search?

You rank by producing helpful content and following best SEO practices that make your website search engine friendly.

These SEO practices include 

  • Keyword research (Finding search queries which you want to rank for)
  • On-Page Optimization (Eg: Optimizing Title tags, Meta descriptions, and Content) 
  • Off-Page optimization (Eg: Link building, Guest posting) 
  • Technical SEO (Eg: improving site speed and mobile responsiveness)
  • Local SEO (Improving visibility in local search results)

SEO Professionals use these practices to gain more organic traffic, leads, and business opportunities.

Things can get very complex as you go deeper into SEO. However, at its core, everything you do is for your audience, business, and search engines.

Is SEO a Good Career choice?

When considering starting a career in SEO, you must analyze all the aspects carefully. Rushing in without proper research can result in making the wrong decision and regretting it later.

To decide if SEO is a good career choice for you, let’s consider three key factors:

  1. Does it align with your interests and skills?
  2. Does it offer growth opportunities and a comfortable income?
  3. Does it provide a good work-life balance?

Let’s Evaluate each one in detail.

1. Your SEO Interest & Skills

Having a strong interest in SEO and developing relevant skills is vital for individuals aiming to succeed in the digital marketing landscape.

A. So, Are You Interested In SEO?

When you are genuinely interested in your work, you are more likely to feel motivated and engaged, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction.

No one can teach you to be interested in SEO. It has to come from within.

To evaluate your interest in SEO, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I enjoy learning about websites and how search engines work?
  2. Do I have a strong passion for digital marketing and SEO?
  3. Do I want to work with data and metrics?
  4. Do I love problem-solving and finding creative solutions?
  5. Am I willing to continuously learn and stay updated with the latest SEO trends?

If most of your answers are positive, don't worry—you'll do great. Your interest will help you develop the necessary skills, even if you don't have them right now.

B. What skills are needed to become a successful SEO?

Each of these skills plays a vital role in ensuring your growth as SEO. Do not restrict yourself to these skills only. 

Daily Reading

Developing daily reading skills is often overlooked in discussions about SEO careers. However, it's a fundamental skill you must acquire. You'll need to stay updated with industry happenings and learn new techniques. This requires reading lots of blogs, articles, and news daily.

Communication Skill

To succeed in SEO career, professionals need to communicate effectively with their teams and clients. This involves listening to their needs, explaining SEO tactics, and providing progress reports. Lacking strong communication skills can result in a range of challenges and setbacks. Without them, you may encounter misunderstandings, ineffective strategies, and missed deadlines, leading to client dissatisfaction.

Writing Skill

Having writing skills is important because creating and optimizing written content, such as blog posts, is a big part of SEO. Although you can hire content writers, having writing skills is still beneficial. When you create content yourself, you gain a deeper understanding to work with writers effectively. To develop this skill, I frequently write for my personal website and social media. Instead of depending solely on AI for content generation, use it as your assistant. I use AI to review errors , fix grammar or inconsistencies in my writing.


SEO is constantly changing and evolving, especially after the AI revolution. We have seen Google frequently updating its algorithms more than ever before. There are always new tools and techniques coming. Consumer behavior is also changing. To stay relevant, you must be able to adapt.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an essential skill that sets you apart from others. In SEO, you'll frequently encounter challenging situations where you need to analyze data and create meaning out of it. Your job will involve diagnosing problems such as traffic drops and adapting to algorithm updates. In such cases, critical thinking can be invaluable.

Attention To Detail

Accuracy is important in SEO, particularly when performing tasks like keyword research and on-page optimization. To pinpoint improvement areas, you must get into the details. Certain tasks require intent identification and accurate analysis. The absence of attention to detail in an SEO career can result in missed opportunities and decreased performance.

Time Management

Time management skill extends beyond SEO or professional work. It's a crucial skill for managing your day and maximizing productivity. As an SEO, your tasks encompass various areas. You'll create content outlines, coordinate with writers, designers, and developers, all while monitoring analytics and devising content strategies. Ensuring all tasks go as planned demands excellent time management skills.

Technical & Programming Skills

Having basic coding knowledge is beneficial for understanding and executing technical SEO tasks. These tasks include managing site structure, improving crawlability, and addressing page speed issues. Programming knowledge can lessen your reliance on developers. Although it's not mandatory for being an SEO professional, it's definitely a bonus. I personally don’t have programming knowledge, but I aspire to. It can take you to new heights in your SEO career.

Analytical Skill

Analytical skill is the key to making data-driven decisions. It helps interpret data from SEO tools and analytics to identify growth opportunities and measure success. Only if you can make meaning out of data can you make better decisions. So, focus on learning Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the common link between all areas of digital marketing, whether organic or paid.

Using AI

Like any other field, AI has impacted SEO, both positively and negatively. I've witnessed AI making the jobs of working professionals easier. Personally, I use AI a lot to make better decisions than I usually would. This includes creating reader personas, identifying potential areas of improvement in blog topics, and understanding the intent of keywords. Also, since the advent of AI, we have seen a bunch of content overload on the internet. People have begun pushing out content using AI without any human intervention. To address this issue, Google has launched a series of updates in the past year. This has resulted in whole sites vanishing from Google search results. The point is to use AI, but in a smart way. Leverage it; do not be skeptical, or else you will be left out.

2. SEO Growth Opportunities and Salary In India

The Indian market has an immense opportunity for SEO professionals who are looking to tap into this rapidly expanding market.

Let’s look at some statistics to make sense of why I’m saying this,

Sr. No.StatisticsOpportunities
1India has 2nd Largest Population In The World (1.408 billion (2021)Which means there is a huge potential market for businesses.
2India has the 2nd Highest number of Internet Users In The World (692.0 million in 2023)It presents a massive opportunity for businesses to reach out to potential customers online.
3The Indian E-commerce market is one of the Top 5 Fastest Growing E-commerce Market In The World (Source)As more businesses move online, they need SEO experts to help them improve their online visibility and attract more customers.

After the launch of Digital India in 2015, Internet usage has spiked across the country. The entry of Reliance Jio disrupted the telecom market and reduced data pricing, making the internet even more accessible for users. 

According to Statista, In 2015 Number of Internet users in India was approximately 302.36 Million (30.236 Crore).  

As of 2023, This number has more than doubled, rising to 692.0 million (69.2 Crore)

This surge in internet users has led to increased online searches, creating more opportunities for businesses to rank highly in the SERPs. With this many internet users, businesses can leverage SEO to increase their online visibility and reach a broader audience.

But the question is are there sufficient SEO professionals in India to meet this demand?

To check this, I opened My LinkedIn Profile > Searched “SEO” > Selected Filters (People + India Location)

The search returns about 422,000 Professionals who mentioned SEO in their job profiles. 

(Note - The actual number of SEO Professionals working in india can be much higher than this) 

I did the same to find how many SEO job openings are available in India. 

As I’m writing this blog, there are currently 21,765 SEO Job Openings on Linkedin India.

(Note - This data is only of Linkedin, there are many other job posting platforms so the actual number can be much higher) 

The growth opportunities for SEO in India are significant due to the country's large population, high number of internet users, and fast-growing e-commerce market. 

With the increasing demand for SEO services, there is a need for more professionals.

SEO Salary In India

SEO is a rapidly growing field, providing numerous job opportunities and competitive salaries. Looking into this can help aspiring professionals and business owners alike to make informed decisions about their career paths and online strategies.

Let’s cover these three questions

  1. What are those job profiles?
  2. What makes you qualify for the SEO Job?
  3. What is the salary of an SEO in India?

Read the following table to get the answers. 

Job ProfilesJob DescriptionSkills & Required KnowledgeAverage Salary in India
SEO Intern/TraineeIt is an entry-level role where the individual learns the basics of search engine optimization through hands-on experience and training.Basic knowledge of SEO and How Search Engine WorksINR 5,000 - 6,000 per month
SEO ExecutiveExecutes SEO strategies and tactics to increase organic traffic and improve search engine rankings for the company's website.Knowledge of keyword research, on-page, and off-page optimization, and experience with SEO tools and metricsINR 20,000 - 35,000 per month
SEO Analyst/SpecialistAnalyzes website data and implements optimization strategies to improve the website's ranking and visibility on search engines.Advanced knowledge of SEO tools, website analytics, and the ability to analyze and interpret data to make recommendationsINR 35,000 - 40,000 per month
SEO Team LeaderLeads and manages a team of SEO executives and specialists set targets and ensure their team meets the goals.Leadership skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, advanced SEO knowledge, and experience in managing a teamINR 40,000 - 50,000 per month
SEO ManagerDevelops and executes SEO strategies to drive organic traffic and increase visibility on search engines.Manages teams and tracks metrics to measure effectiveness.Strategic thinking, ability to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions, excellent communication and leadership skills, and advanced knowledge of SEO trends and strategiesINR 50,000 - 70,000 per month

(Note: Average Salary can vary based on the location, company size, and your experience as SEO.)

According to AmbitionBox, The Average annual Salary of SEO in India is 2.1 LPA(Lakh per annum), and for a beginner, the average monthly salary is estimated at approximately ₹ 8,328 - ₹ 9,291/month. 

You might feel like the pay grade is a little bit less. I used to feel that too. The reason behind this is the lack of highly skilled SEO professionals. 

3. Does SEO Provide Good Work-Life Balance?

A good work-life balance means you can have a healthy balance between work responsibilities and personal life.

Do SEO jobs provide that?

In most cases, you’ll be working 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, 6 Days a week. But that’s the case for most jobs in India.

There are many companies that follow a policy of 5 working days a week. In that case, you can get an extra day for yourself.

If you choose to work at a digital marketing agency, you may have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and develop project management skills that set you apart. But be prepared to work on multiple projects at once, which means more work, more stress and less rest.

On the other hand,  if you choose to work at a company with an in-house SEO team, you may have a more structured work schedule compared to working at an agency. However, working with an in-house team may limit your exposure to clients across diverse industries.

In my opinion,

If you’re just starting out, I would suggest not focusing on the work-life balance. I’m not against it, it is your right. But just think about it, how would you stand out in this highly competitive industry? 

You’ve to put in hours of work to master SEO. The only way you’ll be able to reach that level is by doing practical work. By working on as many websites, trying out different SEO strategies, doing trial and error, and staying up to date. This comes at the cost of Time.

I remember watching a video of Krunal Shah (Founder of Cred) and Ranveer Alhabadia (Youtuber) discussing work-life balance.

Where Krunal said,

“First of all, I think that people tend to underestimate the power of working really really hard. In general, most people think that you need a work-life balance to achieve things. But, consider an Olympian - do you think they are trying to achieve a work-life balance? Or imagine a team trying to win a world cup - are they concerned with solving work-life balance issues?

I remember my friend Paras Chopra making an interesting observation that the only people who keep complaining about work-life balance are those who have either a bad life or a bad job. I think that's a very good thing to think about. If you truly enjoy both aspects of your life, it will become a harmonious way of living.”

But wait! There is something which most working professionals love.

Flexibility to Remote Work.

As an SEO professional, you can work from anywhere with an internet connection, which gives you the flexibility to create a schedule that works for you.

Many companies in the SEO industry offer flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours or the option to work from home. Moreover, SEO work is often project-based, which means that you can prioritize your workload and manage your time accordingly.

If you're thinking of starting a career as an SEO freelancer, there are many ways you can explore to enhance your skills and attract clients. 

Direct benefits of freelancing is you have more control of your time, and your clientele. 

To succeed in SEO freelancing, you can create a strong portfolio, collect client references, establish your personal website, and utilise social media. 

These steps can help you position yourself for success and attract clients who appreciate your expertise and value.

Ways to Learn SEO in India

Where to Learn SEO? This was the first question I had when I started my career. I was blank back then but the right people and proper guidance helped me learn whatever I know.

I can say Learning SEO is not that difficult, as long as you have a roadmap.

Based on my experience, I will suggest three things only. 

  1. Opt In To SEO Course
  2. Start an Internship
  3. Create a Personal Website

1. Opt In To SEO Course

There are many SEO courses available online which claim to be the best. But are they? Very few of those courses are focused on developing the strong fundamentals. 

Here are the 2 best and free SEO Certification Courses which I personally recommend.

  1. SEO Certification Course by HubSpot

This was the First course which I completed. 

While i’m writing it, This course consists of 6 lessons, comprising 26 videos in total. There are also five quizzes included to test your knowledge. The total duration of the course is approximately 3 hours and 51 minutes. 

Throughout the course, you will learn how to evaluate and improve your website's SEO, build backlinks effectively to increase visibility, and utilize keyword research and reporting insights to enhance your search performance.

  1. SEO Fundamentals Course with Greg Gifford (Semrush)

This SEO Fundamentals Course is a free and comprehensive course offered by Semrush. Anyone who wants to learn seo from scratch can opt in this course. 

The course covers various topics, including on-page signals, technical SEO, SEO for mobile, and more. It provides an opportunity to learn the basics of SEO with insights from an expert like Greg Gifford.

2. Start an SEO Internship

The first thing which i did was finding an Internship at a digital marketing company. I think this can be one of the best approaches to learn SEO. 

It can open up many doors such as, 

  • Exposure to industry practices
  • Mentorship
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to tools and resources
  • Exposure to different projects

Through an internship, you can apply theoretical knowledge, learn from experienced professionals, gain hands-on experience. 

This can develop the skills and confidence necessary for a successful career in SEO.

3. Create a Personal Website

Having your personal website is the most obvious and logical thing to do. But many professionals in the SEO industry don’t have their personal website. 

Why should you have a personal website?

Building and optimizing your own website allows you to gain practical experience with SEO techniques. While you’re learning SEO, you will be doing lots of trial and error. You can’t and shouldn't do that on a client's website. It is better to do experiments with your own website.


  • You can showcase your skills
  • Build your personal brand
  • Test new optimization strategies

When potential clients, employers, or collaborators search for your name or expertise, your website can appear in search results, making it easier for them to find and learn more about you.  It can significantly enhance your professional credibility and open doors to new opportunities in the SEO field.

Go To SEO Resources

AhrefsOffers comprehensive and actionable articles on various SEO topics, backed by their powerful data and tools. 
Backlinko (SEO Marketing Hub 2.0)Focuses on practical strategies and cutting-edge techniques for improving search rankings and generating organic traffic. 
Search Engine JournalWide range of SEO-related content, including news, updates, tips, and expert advice.
Youtube Channels
Ahrefs Youtube ChannelCovers various SEO topics, including keyword research, backlink analysis, site audits, and content optimization, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced SEO professionals.
Amit TiwariIf you prefer Hindi and want a reliable resource, Amit Tiwari's YouTube channel is the best choice. I watch his videos to stay updated with industry trends, and his humor adds to the experience.
Search Engine Journal (Youtube)It's an excellent resource for staying informed about important SEO developments and learning from industry experts. Most videos are the long form webinars and talks between industry experts.
Search off the RecordIt is hosted by Google Search Relations team members and offers insights into Google's search algorithms and updates. Also, addressing common misconceptions and providing guidance for improving website visibility on Google.
Search Engine Journal ShowIt covers a wide range of SEO and digital marketing topics such as PPC, social media, and content marketing. The podcast's conversational style makes it engaging and informative for listeners.
Social Media
Reddit (SEO Community)This is one of the best SEO communities on reddit where you can learn from others' experiences and gain valuable knowledge. 
Twitter (SEO Talk)This Twitter Chat and Community is co-hosted by industry experts Malhar Barai, Parth Suba, Jaydip Parikh, and Varun Kumar. They host Twitter Space every Monday at 9:30 IST, where you can ask your queries directly and engage in insightful discussions.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations.

As internet usage and e-commerce continue to experience rapid growth, businesses are increasingly realizing the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) in boosting their online presence and attracting organic traffic. SEO industry in India is thriving, and a career in SEO holds immense potential for growth and success. Any individual can pave their way towards becoming a successful professional. 

SEO and digital marketing do not require a specific degree, making it a great career path for individuals from any educational background. If I talk about myself, I studied environmental engineering in college, but I have since pursued a career in digital marketing. 

No matter if you're from India or other parts of the world, there is no limit to what you can grow in this digital age. Educate yourself, Gain an experience and apply that knowledge to build your career. 

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